Hi fellow developers. If you are a web developer you will definitely need a local server in your computer to test and debug your code. There are lot of server applications ever operating systems which provides various features when it comes to server configuration. Apache is one of the most popular server platform. But only the server is not enough you will need to install a database application, email servers and much more counterparts in order to get started which might be quite frustrating. To resolve this there are pre-packed server applications like XAMMP, WAMP, EasyPHP etc. Mine favorite is XAMPP but no special reason. So here's how you install XAMPP on linux based OS/Lubuntu in my case. Step 1: Download XAMPP You can download the official XAMPP following below link. https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html Step 2: Installation Open the location where the downloaded file is exists by using terminal, if my downloaded file exists in Downloads directory. e.g: cd /...